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 70 warlock

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70 warlock Empty
PostSubject: 70 warlock   70 warlock Icon_minitimeTue Aug 26 2008, 00:32

Name: Bullzangi
Race: Undead
Level: 70
Class: Warlock
Spec: 40/0/21 and I chose this specc cuz of the dots dmg and the critical strikes dmg
Link to your official WoW armory page:
Time played as that character (/played): I've played 34 days and 6 hours
Is this character your main or an alt? as far as I know this is my main. I don't like my alts (warr and priest) so I rather not play on them. I log on my priest if I want do DE some greenies but that's it. I might do a normal 5 men instance with my warr as tank, but only when I am so bored that words can not describe how bored I am xD

Player Info: Well, I've played on this char since they started with the honor system pre-tbc (I rerolled from priest because I knew it'd be worthless in expansion so I didn't feel like playing on it anymore)

Real Name: ppl either call me Bullz, Zangi (dunno why they call me this tbh and it is in irl they call me this (some of them) ) or Finnberg (I'd like to stick with Finnberg)
Age: 17
Location: I live in Sweden
How often do you play? I log in everyday but I play when I can (homeworks etc could keep me back sometimes but I usually do them at school or straight after school)

Raid Experience Well I have raided full AQ20, full mc, full zg and Onyxia + the first 2 bosses in bwl, then I am out of experience before tbc. I have done full karazhan, first boss in the eye and full gruul though, after tbc.

Please give a brief overview of the experience you have with raids either in TBC or pre-TBC

Guild Experience I have been a class leader for the priests before tbc

What guilds have you been in previously? I have been in a guild called "Retaliation" and in another one called "nytid" on the realm Outland. I changed realm cuz all of my irl friends are playing here on Ragnaros

What was/is the reason for leaving? They both disbanded, one did not many days after tbc was released

Please give the names of 2 friends you made in that guild: I made friends with the guild leader Loverboy in Retaliation, and in Nytid I made a friend called Kylngzmieer or something (his name is difficult to remember, but he's playing a shaman if he hasn't quit)

What encouraged you to apply to New Order? I wanted to do some pve again and after I've heard a rumor of a guild looking for good geared ppl (I don't think I am too good geared tbh) I felt encouraged to at least try even if I might get denied =)

Do you know someone already in the New Order & if so what is their name? nah I don't.

I guess this pretty much says it all for now. If you want to know more then you can whisper me or ask here on the forum. Take care
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Posts : 19
Join date : 2008-08-22

70 warlock Empty
PostSubject: Re: 70 warlock   70 warlock Icon_minitimeTue Aug 26 2008, 01:38

not so good gear mate Evil or Very Mad
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