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 Paladin Application

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PostSubject: Paladin Application   Paladin Application Icon_minitimeMon Sep 08 2008, 19:23

Character Info

Name: Demagere
Race: Blood Elf
Level: 70
Class: Paladin
Spec: Holy atm, was thinking about respeccing protection, but kinda lacking the gear to do so.
Link to your official WoW armory page: (It might show me in my tank gear now, but i have 10.8k mana, +1987 healing, 21-ish% spellcrit, 140 manaregen)
Time played as that character (/played): 19 days
Is this character your main or an alt?: This character is my main, the reason it has low playtime is that I rerolled Horde after a year BC.

Player Info:

Real Name: Jan
Age: 23
Location: Netherlands
How often do you play?: I'm pretty active, playing mostly PVE, PVP doesn't really bother me.

Raid Experience

Please give a brief overview of the experience you have with raids either in TBC or pre-TBC:

Pre TBC: On Priest and Mage (Alliance, Molten Core Clear, Zul Gurub Clear, BLackwing Lair Clear, Ahnqiraj 20 and 40 clear, Naxx first 2 bosses. Guild Widget's and Wizards on realm Kor'gall)

TBC: Did Karazhan when it was still a bit harder as RL with my guild crustulum, after that cleared ZA with WnW, and did some occasional TK/SSC Raids. Cleared Gruul and Mag also.

Guild Experience

What guilds have you been in previously?
Widget's and Wizards (Mage Classleader, Kor'gall Alliance) Crustulum (Officer, Kor'gall Alliance) Flying Dutchmen (while leveling this) Your Mama (Current Guild)

What was/is the reason for leaving?
The first to is quite obvious since i don't play alliance anymore, and my current guild is not really playing PVE content anymore, since most of the officers and raidleaders are having a busy schedule a work i've been told. Also that is more of a friendly guild with a lot of ppl knowing eachother.

Please give the names of 2 friends you made in that guild: Quanazz (GM), Mochi

What encouraged you to apply to New Order?
Friend of mine is in your guild, and i want some serious PVE content.

Do you know someone already in the New Order & if so what is their name?
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Posts : 9
Join date : 2008-08-22
Age : 33
Location : Denmark

Paladin Application Empty
PostSubject: reply paladin   Paladin Application Icon_minitimeMon Sep 08 2008, 21:46

accepted /w me in game for inv
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