Character Info: hitcaped got lots of AP altho need to get more critt and im working on it trying to get belt of the black eagle.
Spec: 41/20/0
Link to your official WoW armory page:
Time played as that character (/played):60 days and 50 hours
Is this character your main or an alt? its my main ofc got some alts tho.
Player Info: active player been on ragnaros since lvl 1
done lots of raiding thats what i like most in the game and ofc im social and never do unmature stuff .
Real Name: Joel Richter
Age: 17
Location: sweden
How often do you play? 7/7 possible days if nothing comes between.
Raid Experience
Pre tbc: only molten core and zul gurub didnt do much there tbh.
tbc: full clear kara gruul ZA mag done 5/5 bosses in MH killed 4 tho 4/9 BT
Please give a brief overview of the experience you have with raids either in TBC or pre-TBC
Guild Experience
What guilds have you been in previously?valhall. rectum and some old guild i dont think excist anymore freakshow.
What was/is the reason for leaving? most of these guild disbanded actually freakshow just mainly sucked:S
Please give the names of 2 friends you made in that guild: markarcic and amerginne and sevyx cupotg
What encouraged you to apply to New Order? some old pals in it and i know they are good players hope to show the same.
Do you know someone already in the New Order & if so what is their name? Markarcic pseudonymos and pladin from valhall:p