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 Resto Shammy

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PostSubject: Resto Shammy   Resto Shammy Icon_minitimeWed Aug 27 2008, 01:22

Character Info

Name: Ewoleet
Race: Troll
Level: 70
Class: Shaman
Spec: Elemental, will respecc resto if i get in since that's what you're seeking.
Link to your official WoW armory page:
Time played as that character (/played): 67 days
Is this character your main or an alt? - This is my main

Player Info:

Real Name: Mattias Johansson
Age: 17
Location: Sweden
How often do you play? - Couple of hours a' day

Raid Experience

Please give a brief overview of the experience you have with raids either in TBC or pre-TBC

Guild Experience - Well, haven't done more then Karazhan and Gruul's lair since i quitted WoW, now's my interest for playing back thou.

What guilds have you been in previously? - None on this server, new migrated.

What was/is the reason for leaving? ---

Please give the names of 2 friends you made in that guild: ---

What encouraged you to apply to New Order? - Saw in General that you did need a resto shammy and I would love to raid again.

Do you know someone already in the New Order & if so what is their name? ---
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Posts : 55
Join date : 2008-08-22

Resto Shammy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Resto Shammy   Resto Shammy Icon_minitimeWed Aug 27 2008, 02:22

u need to improve a bit your gear but i will inv u.
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