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 Resto druid

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Resto druid Empty
PostSubject: Resto druid   Resto druid Icon_minitimeMon Sep 08 2008, 20:46

Character Info

Name: Triath
Race: Tauren
Level: 70
Class: Druid
Spec: Resto (currently pvp specced, probably have pvp gear on armory aswell. Got around 1900+ healing in pve gear)
Link to your official WoW armory page:
Time played as that character (/played): 53
Is this character your main or an alt? Main

Player Info:

Real Name: Frazze
Age: 18
Location: Sweden
How often do you play?
Every day after school and all day on weekends.

Raid Experience
PRE-TBC: Cleared everything you could kill before TBC. And in TBC, I've cleared kara,za,ssc,tk,mh and bt. I have also killed the first boss in SWP, tho not with this character.

Guild Experience

What guilds have you been in previously?
None serious raiding guild on this character. Got my warrior over at Frostwhisper with t6 etc but that guild got disbanded for a few days ago.

What was/is the reason for leaving?

What encouraged you to apply to New Order?
I just saw that you were looking for more people to your guild in the /2 channel and I thought that I could give it a shot.

Do you know someone already in the New Order & if so what is their name?
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