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 70 fire mage

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2 posters

Posts : 1
Join date : 2008-08-28

70 fire mage Empty
PostSubject: 70 fire mage   70 fire mage Icon_minitimeThu Aug 28 2008, 20:01

Character Info

Level:70 (of course)
Spec:fire (can respec if needed)
Link to your official WoW armory page:
Time played as that character (/played): 22days 18 hours 33 minutes 43 seconds
Is this character your main or an alt? : one of two mains Smile

Player Info:

Real Name: Tomas
Age: 17
Location: Czech Republic
How often do you play? daily about 16:00 - 23:00 (depends on raid plan)

Raid Experience

Please give a brief overview of the experience you have with raids either in TBC or pre-TBC

I have started play after TBC so i have no experince from pre-TBC raids. But i raid TK/SSC one time MH. (all with Rectum Perfectum)

Guild Experience

What guilds have you been in previously? Rectum Perfectum

What was/is the reason for leaving? disband

Please give the names of 2 friends you made in that guild: Arvien, Neverdead, Moshie and some more

What encouraged you to apply to New Order? Because one friend told me about this guild and i want to explore MH/BT with little luck one day Sunwell.

Do you know someone already in the New Order & if so what is their name? Pladin, Scammy
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Posts : 55
Join date : 2008-08-22

70 fire mage Empty
PostSubject: Re: 70 fire mage   70 fire mage Icon_minitimeFri Aug 29 2008, 03:53

accepted rabbit
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70 fire mage Empty
PostSubject: 70 Fire mage   70 fire mage Icon_minitimeFri Sep 05 2008, 23:17


Time played as that character (/played): 58 days 12 hours 40 mins and 56 sec
Is this character your main or an alt? :is my main but i have 2 alts priest and lock low lvl

Player Info:

Real Name: jim
Age: 15
How often do you play?6-10mm and if i have free day i play all day

Raid Experience

Please give a brief overview of the experience you have with raids either in TBC or pre-TBC

I have started play pre TBC i do ragnaross after TBC i do karazhan (with Oblivions) TK/SSC/ZA(with rectum perfectum)

Guild Experience

What guilds have you been in previously? Rectum Perfectum

What was/is the reason for leaving? disband

Please give the names of 2 friends you made in that guild: Neverdead, Moshie and some more

What encouraged you to apply to New Order?i see is a new guild and you make a raids for TK ZA SSC BT..... and i like to join to take some items .finde new friends

Do you know someone already in the New Order & if so what is their name? elimar lesrac cyron otario iakas..
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70 fire mage Empty
PostSubject: Re: 70 fire mage   70 fire mage Icon_minitime

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70 fire mage
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