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A World Of Warcraft Horde PvE Guild on Ragnaros EU
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 hunter want to join guild!

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hunter want to join guild! Empty
PostSubject: hunter want to join guild!   hunter want to join guild! Icon_minitimeThu Sep 04 2008, 14:02

hi im a BM hunter with lot of raid XP.

i want to join your guild because i want to raid and make a help proggress for the guild and my character. im playing wow for 3 and half years i have lot of XP on my character so u will not have problems with me along any raid.

i used to raid with a guild called "rectum perfectum" we where raiding
(farm: Kara, gruul, maggtheridon, ZA, TK)
(on progress: SSC, Hyjal)

im good to listening to my Cl's orders and fully known when i will tell u if i have holydays if i will be missing if anything happens btw.

pliz let me know if i am welcome to your guild!<3

By taisie thanks!!
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hunter want to join guild! Empty
PostSubject: Re: hunter want to join guild!   hunter want to join guild! Icon_minitimeThu Sep 04 2008, 14:24

Your gear is really low...You must replace some pvp items and some low gems two.Your bow is really sucky. Arrow I will accept you only to do some HCs for banges not raids yet (only if needed) and also to lvl up your LW to375 asap fast if its possible.
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hunter want to join guild!
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