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A World Of Warcraft Horde PvE Guild on Ragnaros EU
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 Quandrix - Flexible druid

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Quandrix - Flexible druid Empty
PostSubject: Quandrix - Flexible druid   Quandrix - Flexible druid Icon_minitimeSat Aug 30 2008, 12:16

Character Info

Name: Quandrix
Race: Tauren
Level: 70
Class: Druid

Feral with posibility to respecc resto, having a gear of more or less 1800 hup

Link to your official WoW armory page:

Time played as that character (/played):
58 days, of which 46 days at level 70

Is this character your main or an alt?
Yes, this is indeed my main, and i don't have any other 70's

Player Info:

Real Name: Igor Kjærland
Age: 17
Location: Norway
How often do you play?: As often as i get my hands on a computer

Raid Experience

Please give a brief overview of the experience you have with raids either in TBC or pre-TBC

Downed all bosses in SSC, TK, Gruul, Magtheridon, Karazhan, Zul'Aman, Downed Rage Winterchill and Anatheron in Mount Hyjal and Najentus and Supremus in Black Temple

Guild Experience

What guilds have you been in previously?

Sentinel, Casual Club, eXtreme and some guilds i rather won't mention, they don't have any importance anyway

What was/is the reason for leaving?

Sentinel and Casual Club disbanded, eXtreme seemed liek a nice guild the first days, but i discovered that most of the members were selfish bastards thinking they're better than everyone else, even though i ignored that, they donæt seems to progress any further either

Please give the names of 2 friends you made in that guild:
In Sentinel, i could mention several names:

Tonor, Meroryan, Neriam, Valtheroc, Abastra, Ahetaro, Itchaky, Chomp and some others, the rest of the guild weren't too friendly, but i found old Sentinellers in them and sticked to my friendship with those, even though i got some good contact with Bexii in eXtreme

What encouraged you to apply to New Order?

New Order seems like a serious guild with focus on progress combined with a possibility to have fun, that's what i'm looking for in a guild

Do you know someone already in the New Order & if so what is their name? Meroryan joined you some time ago, either than that, i don't have any friends in the guild, but i hope to make some
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Quandrix - Flexible druid Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quandrix - Flexible druid   Quandrix - Flexible druid Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02 2008, 15:11

Some ppl told me you cant hold aggro from a single mob... Very Happy
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Quandrix - Flexible druid Empty
PostSubject: Failing   Quandrix - Flexible druid Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02 2008, 18:29

And i've heard that your guild don't have experience in SSC and TK and still are trying to progress in MH without any visual luck.

You can't base your recruitement on rumour, that's what you got the trial member ranks for, get him in, give him a trial, if he really can't hold the aggro, you won't loose a shit doing it.

As far as i'm concerned he says he's flexible, so that should mean he got gear for all speccs, so why assume he has to be a tanking role in the guild.

I clearly see some of the members in there don't even know how a guild works, and that's fine, you're there to learn, and he might be there to learn too, so give him a chance, but what ever, you'll just concider me as a forum troll anyway.
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Posts : 19
Join date : 2008-08-22

Quandrix - Flexible druid Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quandrix - Flexible druid   Quandrix - Flexible druid Icon_minitimeWed Sep 03 2008, 02:31

and wh are i to tell us what to do?,if we want we will give him a chance!So back off and let it go!
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Quandrix - Flexible druid Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quandrix - Flexible druid   Quandrix - Flexible druid Icon_minitimeWed Sep 03 2008, 15:09

If he are so flexible why he want to join a guild without ssc tk experience ooeeoo???
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Quandrix - Flexible druid Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quandrix - Flexible druid   Quandrix - Flexible druid Icon_minitime

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