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 Application for Neriam the warlock

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Application for Neriam the warlock Empty
PostSubject: Application for Neriam the warlock   Application for Neriam the warlock Icon_minitimeMon Sep 08 2008, 21:26

Character Info
Name: Neriam
Race: Undead
Level: 70
Class: Warlock
Spec: Demology 21/ Destruction 40

Link to your official WoW armory page:

Time played as that character (/played): 147 days
Is this character your main or an alt? Neriam is my main.

Player Info:
Real Name: Andreas Grung Nęss
Age: 16
Location: Norway - Bergen
How often do you play? It depends, i am often online all day and sometimes just a few hours, but in the end i would say i am an active player

Raid Experience
Please give a brief overview of the experience you have with raids either in TBC or pre-TBC
In TBC i've cleared Kara,Maggy,Za,Gruul,Ssc and Tk. And in Pre-TBC i've cleared MC, BWL and AQ40 and AQ20

Guild Experience
What guilds have you been in previously? I've been to various guild's through my time in world of warcraft, but the guild's worth mentioning are: Sentinel, phenomenon and Avenging Wrath.

What was/is the reason for leaving? To make a long story short, i was in sentinel a while back before it got dissbanned, i had a great time, but i finnaly decided to leave and have a little break from wow. Phenomenon was a great guild, even tho i was only inside it for a brief time before it got dissbanned. And the last one, Avenging Wrath, i left the guild. Reason? I thought the guild the guild managment/ some of the leaders was pure assholes.

Please give the names of 2 friends you made in that guild: Well it's a while back now, so i don't remember to many, and i doubt they remember me, but it's worth a shoot.
In sentinel, infectedmush or abastra, In Avenging Wrath, Romegr and in phenomenon i don't remember anyone, it was a pre - TBC/TBC Kara and Gruul raiding guild and i didn't have time to make any friends before it got dissbanned

What encouraged you to apply to New Order? Well, i saw that the New Order was looking for new members in the general chat, and even tho i was in the guild a little while ago, i quited, the reason was, i thought you guys had alot more experience then me, but then i reccently found out that the New Order was also doing Ssc/Tk, so i found the courage to make an application, and i hope once agian you will accept me into the guild and welcome me with open arms.

Do you know someone already in the New Order & if so what is their name? Sorry, not that i can think of.

Thanks for reading my application
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Application for Neriam the warlock
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