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 Undead 70 mage

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Undead 70 mage Empty
PostSubject: Undead 70 mage   Undead 70 mage Icon_minitimeTue Sep 09 2008, 18:38

Name: Mazerous
Race: Undead
Level: 70
Class: Mage
Spec: Im pvp specc atm but i will respecc soon to pve while i start my raiding. and that is deep fire 0/47/14
Link to your official WoW armory page:
Time played as that character (/played): 70 days
Is this character your main or an alt? Main

Real Name: Marlon
Age: 15
Location: Sweden
How often do you play? about 4-6h

Raid Experience

Please give a brief overview of the experience you have with raids either in TBC or pre-TBC: Pre tbc: mc,zg Tbc: Fully clear Kara,Za,Gruul,Magtheridon,Ssc,Tk,Mh5/5 Bt 4/9

Guild Experience

What guilds have you been in previously? The boogie bunch,Grim Guard,Ros Predator,Casual Club and some others i cant really remember Wink

What was/is the reason for leaving? Cause of disband and started pvp

Please give the names of 2 friends you made in that guild: well i know many of them sence before i lvl with them and some of them are RL friends. so its many Razz

What encouraged you to apply to New Order? I've heard about you guys that you have fast good exp and geared people that progressing well and thats what im aiming for.

Do you know someone already in the New Order & if so what is their name? Well not RL but some guys that was in my previously guild like hootshoot,Raiderjamila etc. Smile

Really hope i get an chance to join you guys again.. yeah i know i was with you before but not for long.. sorry about my attitude i had a rouf day and was tired and yeah sick to.. but now im good and back on the track xP hehe yeah anyway hope you give me another chance for this guild! Cheers guys.
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